Forum Topic of the Week ~ ?
~ 14 May 2004 ~
This week’s hot forum topic is…
…is up to you to decide.
I’ll be in New Orleans for the first half of next week on business. Therefore, to keep conversation engaged while I’m away, it’s your turn to nominate a forum topic. Or the turn “touches you” as they say in Spanish. Except they say it in Spanish.
Tell us about the whine or the whacked (thanks, Angie). Tell us about forums we’ve never heard of. Or tell us about original forum member sigs you’ve come across, like “The box said use Windows XP or better, so I used a Mac.”
Give us your 2¢, and we promise not to spend it all in one place.

Stock photography, type, and killer tees. Genuinely recommended by Authentic Boredom.
I simply must recommend the forums at I’ve learned piles about electronics and met some great people there as well. The growth in that community astounds me - things have exploded lately as many people look to AudioKarma to find the value of their gear before they sell it on eBay. Subsequently, many get hooked on the mature and intelligent discussions held there. Not really computer related, I know, but it’s a great example of what a web community can be.
Testing. 1.. 2.. 3.. Phht. Phht. Is this thing still on?
What is your favourite colour?
Well I have always liked red. It’s warm, and filled with energy, yet red has a villainous side. More specifically PMS 484, a.k.a 0% C, 95% Y, 100% M, and 29% K.
By the way, Cameron, would you mind changing the comments to be right aligned. Ragged center alignment is kinda hard to read. Thanks and have a good weekend.
Guess you’re asking the wrong questions, eh Cameron? Try banishing a font, or asking about Sweden or FTP clients! ;)
One of my favorite sig lines I’ve seen, and I’m not even a nerd:
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those that understand binary numbers, and those that don’t.
Okay, a little bit of a nerd…
Hey, my *last* name is Cameron! Think we’re related?
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those that understand binary numbers, and those that don’t.
Haha! That one has always made me laugh…
Oh, and for a forum to visit, go check out The Sonic Foundation Message Board. It’s crazy and bloody good fun in there.

Authentic Boredom is the platitudinous web home of Cameron Moll, freelance new media designer, author, and speaker. More…

Full-time and freelance job opportunities. Post a job...

A selection of fine reading, available for a limited time only:
- Jobs home page reorg
- Coming soon: Mobile Web Design, the book
- Dyson ad: Text as more than just words
- Setting sail for Europe
- Review: Sumo Omni bean bag chair
- Dashboard widget for Authentic Jobs
- Limited-time offer: $99 listings
- Nine skills that separate good and great designers
- Fire sale
- Introducing

CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standard Solutions A solid round-up of indispensable CSS design techniques by Andy Budd, Simon Collison, and Cameron Moll.
Mobile Web Design A guide to publishing web content beyond the desktop. Tips, methodology, and resources. Now available.

Letterpress Posters The unassuming beauty of a freshly letterpressed print.
That Wicked Worn Look. Techniques for that worn, aged, distressed look.
Mister Retro Machine Wash Filters Turn the dial to “Instaworn” with these filters.
Blinksale Dive in and enjoy shamelessly easy invoicing from Firewheel Design.
Basecamp My preferred web app for internal and client project collaboration.

HOW Conference Austin, June 24–27. Pentagram, Adobe, P&G, et al.
Web Design World Seattle, July 20–22. Practical sessions on web design.
Stimulate Salt Lake City, September 2009. Entrepreneurship and design conference.


1 ak ~ 14 May 2004 at 12:16 AM
appleaddict is nice, specifically it’s web design forum. lots of smart people. that is located at: