Mobile Web Design, the book: Available August 28
~ 14 August 2007 ~
Wow. This has been a long time coming. Little did I know 10 months would expire following the original announcement before the book would be available for purchase.
This is the book I was desperately seeking two years ago when I began researching the mobile web.
This is the book that, contrary to most mobile web books/resources already published, contains more than 40 full-color screens from several mobile devices (including iPhone).
This is the book whose utility I’ve been able to validate along the way, answering questions by email and in person by literally copying and pasting or by pulling up the latest draft of the book on the spot.
This is the book that includes what I feel is only the most important and relevant information — roughly one-third the length of most tech books, but I believe every bit as thorough and helpful as lengthier volumes. In fact, a number of pages were deliberately removed prior to completion because I felt they simply didn’t make the cut.
This is the book for which I don’t think I could be more pleased with the outcome (woohoo!).
And this is the book that you can own on August 28, available for immediate purchase in PDF format beginning that day.
You’ll be entered to win an iPhone 8GB (among other gifts) if you’re one of the first buyers, but of course you’re savvy enough to recognize the real value is in the text, not the giveaways. But hey, giveaways make it all that more enjoyable, do they not?
See you in a couple weeks.

Stock photography, type, and killer tees. Genuinely recommended by Authentic Boredom.
Awesome. I can’t wait to purchase a copy!
How does one get it in PDF?
I’m in the same boat as Jahnoth…where is thy PDF? :)
I know this is a minutia-esque question, but any word on pricing (so us poh people can save our pennies)?
Congrats on finally finishing it, Cameron! Mind if I ask what service you’re using for printing and/or fulfillment?
How does one get it in PDF?
One will receive the PDF after one places an order on the site.
I know this is a minutia-esque question, but any word on pricing (so us poh people can save our pennies)?
No word yet, but I can say it will be “affordable”.
Mind if I ask what service you’re using for printing and/or fulfillment?
No printing service yet. For order fulfillment, it’ll be a home-grown solution.
Not sure if I missed the memo or not, but do you ever plan to release it in print?
I can’t imagine how busy your schedule has been with work, family, this book, and probably some side jobs?
Can’t wait!
“One will receive the PDF after one places an order on the site.”
So that won’t be available until 8/28 then? In lieu of of the immediate availability? I think that sentence is somewhat nebulous in the article, then.
Ah, I see where I’ve caused confusion. PDF will be available Aug 28. I’ve updated the announcement.
Not sure if I missed the memo or not, but do you ever plan to release it in print?
Possibly, yes.
Congratulations! Can’t wait to grab a copy. Think I might need two copies and one for the office so I can field the myriad of mobile questions that flung my way.
Hey Cameron, I noticed you said it won’t be available for print only PDF, check out this site, its a self publishing company, you upload your PDF and they print only when a copy is sold, also you get a real ISBN # and also you can advertise on through them.
Check em out:
I’ve been looking forward to this for a while but I’d definitely prefer a printed copy. It also feels better to actually have it in hand…or sat on the bookshelf for reference after reading :)
Presumably the PDF will be optimized for viewing on mobile devices :-)
Awesome! I’m very much looking forward to this.
Please tell me that there will be another method of payment than paypal?
I live in a country not supported by paypal.
Say it ain’t so Cam just say it ain’t so!
Congrats Cameron.
Dammit, I’m really going to have to finish my own book. I think you’ve just been the kick in the rear I needed.
A wink for Mr. Boulton ;)
Marwan, you bring up a good point. What other forms of online payment are supported in your country?
Congrats Cameron! I’ll be purchasing it on the 28th. Can’t wait.
I’m glad to see that you are self-publishing this book!
It pains me to see well-known web celebrities writing books for publishers who will take 90% of the revenue from the sales of their book. People like Mr. Moll have the exposure to market a book like this on their own and sell books directly.
I started a similar venture one year ago and it’s now my fulltime job.
Looking forward to the long awaited book!!
By the way… If I win the iPhone, I can’t use it!
The splash page left me with the impression that I’d be able to buy the book in printed form (with a nice bright yellow cover) on the 28th.
Maybe you could further emphasize that it’s going to be a PDF-only release?
Debe haber demasiadas visitas porque el server está “caput”…
Nice one, and just what’s needed - I’m looking forward to ordering the PDF!
Hey, great news Cameron! I’ve been waiting (and waiting!) for this book to be released since I first read your original post about it. I want the bound proper copy - so I won’t get the pdf.
Well done Cameron. :)
Hi Cameron, if it was a normal payment gateway by use of a credit card then i can make a purchase but paypal is a no go.
Is western union an option? In that case, making the transfer the charge would probably be more than the cost of the book.
Woe is me oh woe is me!
Congrats Cameron! I’ll be purchasing it on the 28th. Can’t wait.

Authentic Boredom is the platitudinous web home of Cameron Moll, designer, author, and speaker. More…

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1 beth ~ 14 August 2007
Looking forward to this!