~ 19 March 2008 ~
I wasn’t planning on posting another article prior to Extensible CSS Part III (which is scheduled to be published tomorrow), but there’s been too much news in the mobile space to ignore speaking of it any longer. Following is a random summary of stuff I’ve spotted in recent weeks.
“Padded lampposts are being trialled … in Brick Lane [London] after it was found to have the highest number of ‘walking and texting’ injuries in the country.” Update: It was a publicity stunt…
Dave Shea has hand-crafted a mobile device detection script that includes iPhone and TV browser sniffing, among many other common devices. Available for public consumption.
MobileSafari is now the #1 mobile browser in the U.S. and #2 in the UK, claims Ireland-based StatCounter. (thanks, Clifton)
Google’s visual inventory problem. “It’s simple. As consumers shift to mobile devices, interface screens get smaller — leaving less visible room for ads. Google, and other advertisers, run out of visual inventory.”
Mobile Web Development by Nirav Mehta. I’m curious to see how the content compares to mine. I’ve got a copy on order.
dotMobi’s DeviceAtlas, a comprehensive database of mobile device information. “Everything you ever wanted to know about every handset on the planet.”
Abilene Christian University will be supplying all incoming freshmen an iPhone or iPod touch this fall. “Freshmen will use an iPhone or iPod touch to receive homework alerts, answer in-class surveys and quizzes, get directions to their professors’ offices, and check their meal and account balances.” Seems a little overly ambitious even from the perspective of a mobile zealot (ahem, me), but I applaud the initiative nonetheless. Related:
Mobile applications, RIP. “The business of making native apps for mobile devices is dying, crushed by a fragmented market and restrictive business practices. The problems are so bad that the mobile web, despite its many technical drawbacks, is now a better way to deliver new functionality to mobiles.” This was written prior to the iPhone SDK release, and the author acknowledges the impact it would soon have. That said, I have to agree with most of the arguments Michael Mace makes. (It should be noted Mace is former Chief Competitive Officer and VP of Product Planning at Palm.)
Sitepoint: Designing for the Mobile Web. If you’ve read any of my stuff this will no doubt be a review for you. In fact, much of the article’s content seems strikingly similar to mine (series or book).
PEW Internet & America Life Project has published a report on Mobile Access to Data and Information (PDF) in the U.S. Among many other notable statistics is one I find pleasantly surprising: 9% of Blacks and 10% of Hispanics access mobile web content on a typical day, compared to 7% of whites.
The Nokia N82 promises sightless users the ability to “snap a picture of a menu, book, printed receipt or business card. Software on the phone processes the words on those items and reads the text aloud in a synthesized voice. The device can even let a blind person know if paper currency is a $5 or a $20 bill.” Wow.

Stock photography, type, and killer tees. Genuinely recommended by Authentic Boredom.
Ah ha, good catch, Dave.
Great links, Cameron.
With all the hub-bub these days about the mobile web, my simple hope is that all mobile devices eventually accommodate websites in much the same way desktop browsers do. Thanks for paving the way, iPhone.
Thanks for this post Cameron… even in the middle of the CSS series. ;) I’ve been working on a personal project that is geared towards mobile users and I’ve just placed an order for your Mobile Web Design book! Can’t wait to get it!

Authentic Boredom is the platitudinous web home of Cameron Moll, designer, author, and speaker. More…

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A selection of fine reading, available for a limited time only:
- Recent job listings, testimonials, and 100th Kiva loan
- The ISO50 Field Guide to Color Management
- Upgrading the hard drive and memory in a refurbished 13" MacBook Pro
- Inspiring type: Libro di M. Giovambattista Palatino
- Randomness, vol. IX

CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standard Solutions A solid round-up of indispensable CSS design techniques by Andy Budd, Simon Collison, and Cameron Moll.
Mobile Web Design A guide to publishing web content beyond the desktop. Tips, methodology, and resources. Now available.

Letterpress Posters The unassuming beauty of a freshly letterpressed print.
That Wicked Worn Look. Techniques for that worn, aged, distressed look.
Mister Retro Machine Wash Filters Turn the dial to “Instaworn” with these filters.
Blinksale Dive in and enjoy shamelessly easy invoicing from Firewheel Design.
Basecamp My preferred web app for internal and client project collaboration.

HOW Conference Austin, June 24–27. Pentagram, Adobe, P&G, et al.
Web Design World Seattle, July 20–22. Practical sessions on web design.
Stimulate Salt Lake City, September 2009. Entrepreneurship and design conference.


1 Dave S. ~ 19 March 2008
Seems the padded lampposts were more publicity stunt / clever marketing hack than genuine trial:
(Thanks for the link!)