Framing your letterpress print
~ 29 December 2008 ~
I realize the following is relevant to only a small number of you, but I figure this is the best place to post the information for collaboration and archival. And, for what it’s worth, you might find helpful tips strung throughout the comments for framing other artwork.
If you’ve purchased one of my letterpress posters, below are a few options for framing it. Please add your advice for framing in the comments.
Option #1: IKEA frame with custom matte
This is the option I chose with my personal copy of the first poster, and it’s also the option I’ll choose with the latest one. It’s relatively inexpensive and looks fantastic. The only requirement is that you have an IKEA somewhere close by, as IKEA doesn’t offer online ordering for frames.
The final framed print looks something like this:

All it requires is an IKEA Ribba frame (19¾ in × 27½ in) and a custom matte about two inches wide:

If you’re in the U.S., you can have a matte cut at any local or franchise craft store such as Michael’s, Jo-Ann, Hobby Lobby, etc. I’m positive similar stores exist outside the U.S. but I’m not familiar enough with any of them to mention names.
Take both poster and frame in and have them do measurements, or feel free to use my measurements:

The matte I’ve used is from Jo-Ann. It’s a black, semi-gloss matte with a subtle vertical grain. It’s called Brushed Onyx, product #B8321 if you really want specifics.
Total cost for framing: About US$40 ($23 for the frame, $17 for the matte).
Option #2: Posterhänger
I’ve never used one of these, but I plan to when the right occasion comes along. Posterhänger by Jørgen Møller is a beautifully minimalist approach to framing. An aluminum bar at top and bottom with hidden hardware compliments a print quite well:
A 16” set, available in silver or black, will fit your poster nicely. And your wallet, too, at just US$16 for the set. Other sizes ranging from 12” to 72” are also available.
Of course, this isn’t an ideal solution if you’re concerned about protecting your print long-term, but it will certainly allow for closer examination of the print.
Option #3: Custom Framing
Naturally, this is a wise choice if you’re interested in a quality result using the frame style of your choice. However, it’s rather costly. You’re looking at somewhere between $100 to $300 depending on the vendor and frame style. Many craft stores large and small offer custom framing.
Option #4: Your suggestions
Know of another option? Please leave a comment.

Stock photography, type, and killer tees. Genuinely recommended by Authentic Boredom.
I agree… The best (and cheapest) solution is the IKEA frame. I’m having problems with the custom matte though. Can’t find any place in Florence where they’d make one for me. Will keep looking :-)
I had my framed at Fast Frame. The owner of the store helped me choose the right frame and matte. I did go through about 10 frames before I decided on the very first one he showed me.
I gave it to my wife for Christmas and she loved it. Here are a few pics of the letterpress:
I have one of the first batch of Cameron’s posters and I admit that it was hard to find a frame because the size isn’t standard. I didn’t know about the IKEA frame (but I don’t have one close by anyways) but needed an inexpensive solution so I bought a simple black raised edge 18x24 frame at Michaels and had them make me a 2 1/4” mat in dark grey that would cover up the skinny sides of the poster to fit in the frame.
One thing to note: If you want to show the autograph at the bottom you might have to trim 1/4 - 1/2” of white space off the top to make it fit in the frame.
Also - Cameron, the Michaels frame guy told me that they don’t usually do just a mat, that I would have to go to an art framing studio for that, but because he wasn’t busy he just did it for me on the spot for about $20.
Get the custom frame.
The quality, look and and care that a good custom framing shop will put into it are well worth the cost. A good shop will take care to use acid-free backing and UV protected glass which will ensure that the print will hold up over time.
If you really like the print, and want it to last, custom framing (even though it is more expensive) is the only option worth your money.
I like hanging posters with just some simple binder clips (old-school ones are best). It’s simple, easy and cheap:
Personally I don’t like any elements interfering with the design (frames, glass, mattes, clips etc.) so I go for the simple: Direct mount on 1/2” or 3/4” black gator board. Creates a clean edge (a no-edge), and the black helps lift the artwork from the wall nicely.
Mine is the framing shop right now. I’ve gone for a similar frame, though a broader and thicker matte.
The print is stunning. Thank you.
Here’s Paul Mayne’s print mounted.
If you’re a bit handy, you can get a custom cut frame and matte from a place like and then assemble it yourself. I do it for my photos and their prices are quite a bit better than the local craft store.
No affiliation, I’ve just really been pleased with their service in the past.
As a totally different alternative, get some small rare earth magnets, some washers from the hardware store and some of those 3m adhesive strips and stick it to the wall that way. Stick the washer to the wall with the releasable adhesive, then stick the print to the washer with the magnet. Works great, and you can always move it around. Offers no protection of course, but it’s cheap and easy and looks pretty cool.
to Isaac—
I found a very similar set up at Ikea actually. Might not be identical but had little silver clips included and was wire based.
That was also about 5 years ago so no idea if they still carry it!
Absolutely beautiful prints Cameron.
Thanks. I’ve trying to figure out what the best options where for me to frame mine. These are all very helpful to me.
I personally used to love building my own frames… but in the absence of time nowadays, I would go with IKEA. It is relatively inexpensive and there are enough options…
Well, I love it, Cameron!
I framed it, hung it, took pictures.
Then I blogged it. And I’m not kidding. The diversity of the work you do—and the refined quality of that work—is inspiring. Thank you.
Here’s mine over red
Ryan Warnick had his framed “at Aaron Brothers Art Mart. Double raised matte and black frame. It turned out really nice. Total cost of framing USD $208 on sale (normally would have been $308).”
I had a 22x28 frame already that I wasn’t using so I went to a frame shop and had them cut a matte to fit the frame and the print. It worked out just fine with very little extra framing costs in the end. We are happily displaying it and hoping it will strike up many interesting conversations with our friends.
I finally got mine framed this week at joanns. I bought one of their 20x28” frames and then had them do a double layered mat at 2 and 1/4”. IT LOOKS FABULOUS!! You are the man Cameron, I am very proud to be you cousin!
We love the poster and we will be looking for a Ikea Frame please notify us for a poster when shipment comes in, IWe understand you are sold out.
Mike and Lindy

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1 isaac ~ 29 December 2008
I like this:
But i don’t know where to buy it.