Scouting the programming elite

~ 31 December 2004 ~

Given my total ineptitude when it comes to all things programming, I occasionally require freelance assistance from those of you can code, run, compile, and all those verbs so foreign to me. I’ve got a respectable list of design contacts, but my programmer black book runs thin and is need of a refresh.

Therefore, if you’re the crème de la crème in the programming community and are available from time to time for freelance work, please contact me and I’ll consider adding you to the list following a review of your qualifications.

What I’m looking for:

  • PHP, Perl. Note your experience with web apps & functionality, everything from logins to shopping carts to databases and so on.
  • CMS. Any experience you’ve had with content management systems, preferably those that are turn-key and need not be entirely customized with each project. (Standards-based preferred though not required.)
  • Standards-compliant XHTML & CSS. Though I prefer to do all of my own markup, I sometimes need help on rush projects when there are too many tasks to tackle.
  • Anything else worth noting. Successes, URLs, relevant languages I’m not familiar with but should be, etc. This isn’t a job interview for Pete’s sake, but cut through the hype and show me why it’d be worth my time to outsource work to you.



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