Out and about as the flames burn out

~ 11 July 2005 ~

Having just returned from vacation, I was surprised as I awoke this morning to return to duties and happened upon the Vivabit / WSA discussion. Engaging, to say the least.

It might take me a bit of time to wade through all 40 comments (as of this writing), but in the meantime, allow me to give a shout-out to Patrick Griffiths. He had the audacity to request a rather unconventional layout and the tenacity to then actually code the thing. In the end, I’d say he orchestrated a rather fine bit of work.

Even more impressive is the fact that he and I were collaborating on the final design right up until two days before @media began — which, of course, he also orchestrated. Insane, but very well done, Patrick.



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1   Yannick L. ~ 11 July 2005 at 10:09 AM

I really like the website. I especially like the colours and the header image. It truly is an unconventional design and that is another thing I like about it. Well done to the both of ya. Keep up the wonderful work. Peace and God Bless.

2   Cameron Moll ~ 11 July 2005 at 09:13 PM

Boy, I’ve had comments turned off on articles so often lately I believe I’ve frightened the voices away. Perhaps I’ll have to have them on more frequently…

3   Rob ~ 11 July 2005 at 09:41 PM

And the first thing I see on vivabit is a rounded corner out of place and what appears to be a layer overlapping where it shouldn’t. Firefox 1.0.4 on Debian.

4   Brian Fox ~ 11 July 2005 at 09:47 PM

I really like the look and feel of the site: its clean. Good job. Too bad there are so many flamers out there that just want to nitpick a good design.

As to your comments: I had to upgrade from MT 2.661 just for all the comment spam improvements myself…

5   Brian Fox ~ 11 July 2005 at 09:48 PM

You also may want to take out the part below the comment entry that says “Comments are either closed or disabled for this article.” Its somewhat misleading ;-)

6   Cameron Moll ~ 11 July 2005 at 10:01 PM

lol, good call Brian. Perhaps that’s the source of the silence. I made a couple changes recently and apparently forgot to add an important MT tag back in. Thanks for the catch.

And of course, the flamers are what keep the conversation, well, engaging to say the least.

7   Cameron Moll ~ 11 July 2005 at 10:06 PM

Okay, tag added back in. By all means, continue to break the silence…

8   ConĂ¡nn ~ 12 July 2005 at 04:29 AM

I really like the site design, the layout is really clear and pleasantly colorful without being garish. Some of the comments on WSA are beyond me.

9   Dion ~ 12 July 2005 at 08:59 AM

Incredible that a website (which looks quite good in Firefox and not so good in Safari) provokes discussions on multiple websites. Pretty funny for an ok programmed and good looking website. You start to wonder what the mystery is for all the talk…

10   Caleb ~ 12 July 2005 at 10:50 AM

It seems more and more sites are going with a straight up simple design. A great idea IMO. Content is king, it is all people want.

11   David Martin ~ 12 July 2005 at 01:44 PM

Caleb I do not buy into the content is all people want argument. A certain degree of aesthetic quality coupled with strong content has always and will always be the best. That’s not to say that you cannot achieve great aesthetic appeal using simple design techniques.

12   Josh ~ 17 July 2005 at 08:55 AM

I can’t speak for Caleb, but I took his comment to mean “asthetics matter, but content is king and the design should compliment the content”. The Vivabit site seems to do that quite well. I’ll visit a site twice because it looks good, but every day if it’s got engaging, updated content.


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